Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the Engineers’ Forum has opted for a hybrid format. The 2023 edition will take place in two parts: the day of November 22 will be in-person, and the days of November 23 and 24 will be 100% online with Seekube. You can find the schedule for the in-person session on November 22 and the remote sessions on November 23 and 24 in the relevant sections.

Jobdating with Seekube

Each company will be able to post its internship offers on the Seekube platform so that students can consult them and apply. We encourage multiple and diverse speakers. For example, recruiters can handle appointments made in advance on Seekube while others can be available for more spontaneity. Additionally, having extra speakers specialized in a field can also be a way to introduce students to aspects of Data Science and to find new Ensai interns.


The forum can be an opportunity for you to meet future interns. Internships last between 2 and 3 months for second-year students and between 5 and 6 months for third-year students. We strongly encourage you to offer internships of 1 to 3 months for first-year students. The section “Programs at Ensai” will provide you with more information about the skills of our students, across all years. Additionally, you can communicate your internship offers outside of the forum by visiting the Ensai website.


Each company must pay an entry fee for the forum. This cost includes various services such as lunch, shuttle transportation, a physical booth on November 22nd, and a virtual booth on November 23rd and 24th, as well as the closing cocktail event. Additionally, all necessary materials for your day will be available on-site (power outlets, whiteboard, printer, Wi-Fi, etc.).

Type of OrganizationPrices – 2 Participants
Public Organization (public research institute, state service)0€
International organization and company0€
Organization and Partner Company of ENSAI300€
Organization and non Partner Company of ENSAI600€
Additional Persons (more than two participants for an organization)100€

Companies wishing to register more than two participants must pay an additional 100€ per person (up to a limit of five participants). A “Network Pack” is also available for 50€: it will give you considerable visibility on our social networks, such as a permanent story with your logo on Instagram, as well as a post on LinkedIn and the opportunity to distribute documents to students in advance.


To register, please visit