The Forum Ensai Association consists of students from Ensai, the National School of Statistics and Information Analysis, located in Bruz, a few kilometers from Rennes, on the Ker Lann campus. It is an engineering school accredited by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur). It is the only grande école of engineering entirely dedicated to the fields of statistical engineering and information processing in France. Along with Ensae Paris (in particular), the school to which it belonged before their split in 1994, it forms the Genes, the Group of National Schools of Economics and Statistics.
The school trains approximately 100 engineers and 50 attached statisticians from Insee over 3 years (from Bac+2 to Bac+5). It recruits from preparatory classes MP, B/L, D2, and since 2023, from PC and PSI. A few places are also open for admissions based on application after a bachelor’s degree or a University Technology Diploma in Data Sciences.
You can find all the information about the school on the website